Sunday, June 21, 2020

Real Men Are Kings

There are boys, who play around with all sorts of things

There are males, NOT MEN, but males, who make babies, dress in fancy clothes, lack of responsibility, and when it comes to living off of other people's hard work, there are those, who clings

But, REAL MEN are true Kings!

Real men are those, who love the Lord

Real men are those, who have respect and love for themselves and for others

Men, who care and look out for their brothers

Real men are also those, who care about their hygiene and attire

Men, who pray and are sincere with their prayers

Real men are those, who do what they have too, in order to protect and take care of their families with great satisfaction

While at the same time, takes responsibility for their actions

Real men strive hard to be educated through the Word God, academically, and they strive to work hard at any job they do, even if it's a job sweeping floors

Not only are real men Kings, but they are leaders and NEVER EVER a follower!

Written by,

Clark Clyburn

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